You are able to add a column to your Batch, Transactions, and Batch Detail tables in Rock that have links directly to the My Well Admin Portal. This allows admins to more easily move between Rock and My Well.
. Make sure not to change it.Navigate to Finance → Batch. We will add a column to this table.
Navigate to the block settings → custom grid options → custom columns.
Add a new column.
Name (Header Text) it My Well Portal.
Lava Template:
{% assign batchId = Row.Id %}
{% financialbatch id:'{{batchId}}' %}
{% assign foreignKey = financialbatch.ForeignKey | Split:'#' %}
{% assign foreignKeySize = foreignKey | Size %}
{% if foreignKeySize == 2 %}
<a class='btn btn-default btn-xs' target='_blank' href='{{ 'Global' | Attribute:'MyWellPlatformPortalURL' }}/statements/payouts/{{foreignKey[1]}}'>View</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfinancialbatch %}
Adjust the Column Position and the offset depending where you want the new column to show in the table.
Make sure to click Save at the bottom.
You will see the buttons show up.
When you click it, you will be navigated to the My Well Admin Portal to see the specific payout.
Navigate to Finance → Transaction page. We will add a column to this table.
Navigate to the block settings → custom grid options → custom columns
Add a new column.
Name (Header Text) it My Well Portal.
Lava Template:
{% financialtransaction id:'{{Row.Id}}' %}
{% assign foreignKey = financialtransaction.ForeignKey | Split:'_' %}
{% assign myWellKey = foreignKey | First %}
{% if myWellKey == 'mywell' %}
<a class="btn btn-default btn-xs" target="_blank" href='{{ 'Global' | Attribute:'MyWellPlatformPortalURL' }}/gifts/{{foreignKey[1]}}'>Transaction</a>
{% financialbatch id:'{{Row.BatchId}}' %}
{% assign foreignKey = financialbatch.ForeignKey | Split:'#' %}
{% assign foreignKeySize = foreignKey | Size %}
{% if foreignKeySize == 2 %}
<a class='btn btn-default btn-xs' target='_blank' href='{{ 'Global' | Attribute:'MyWellPlatformPortalURL' }}/statements/payouts/{{foreignKey[1]}}'>Payout</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfinancialbatch %}
{% endif %}
{% endfinancialtransaction %}
Adjust the Column Position and the offset depending where you want the new column to show in the table.
Make sure to click Save at the bottom.